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Walk the Plank
8764 Maple
Walk The Plank
Product Number Tile Size Backing System Product Construction Yarn System Dye Method Soil Protection Antimicrobial Tufted Yarn Weight Machine Gauge Pile Thickness Density Traffic Classification Recycled Content
126440AK0G 25cm x 1m CQuest™GB Tufted Sheared Aquafil - 100% Recycled Content Type 6 Nylon
100% Solution Dyed Protekt²® Intersept® 26 oz/yd² 1/10 0.157 in 5,962 oz/yd³ Heavy 84%
8760 Beech*
300302 Sycamore
8761 Sycamore*
300303 Cyprus
8762 Cyprus*
8763 Walnut
8764 Maple
8765 Poplar
8766 Ginkgo
8767 Willow
103945 Spruce
103946 Juniper
103947 Hawthorn
103948 Eucalyptus
103949 Balsam
103950 Ironwood*
103951 Ash
103952 Hickory*
103953 Buckeye
103954 Mimosa
103955 Laurel
103956 Magnolia
103957 Dogwood
103958 Birch
103959 Cedar
103960 Sequoia